Skupina Honoris ukončila ke dni 4. 3. 2011 svou činnost.
Horses People
Ing. Jakub Jaroš
- knightname in performance: Edmund de Valiere + horse Cheyenne, Goliáš
* 1984
Interests: Everything...
E-mail: jakub.jaros (at) centrum (dot) cz
ICQ: 288813635
Oldřich Menčík
- knightnick: "Churl Joe", Green Cowboy
* 1988
hobby: horses, swordplaing, shooting, womanfolk...
character: Strong like bull and inteligent like bull...
Jan Truneček
- headman of group & knightname in performance: Tankred de Besancon + horse Frajer Jack
* 11. 08. 1965
hobby: history, horses, Muai Thai, poetry (favourite author I.M. Jirous)
tel.: +420 602 143 112
ICQ: 204854142
e-mail: jan.trunecek (a) volny (.) cz
My creation (in Czech language):
- Této noci
- to pro to
- Možná ti neodletím
- Znáš mé jméno
- Otavy
Johana Trunečková
- Princess* 1991
hobby: dog "Akim", tournament,
drawing, reading and writing
Michal Fidler
- knightname in performance: Princ Phillippe de Briene + horse Ego
* 8.8.1983
† 31.7.2004
Kateřina Fidlerová, DiS
- esquire, music, princess* 1984
hobby: skating, horses, funny things...
character: very nice, blue eyes, blond
Milan "Mazánek" Jaroš
- knightname in performance: Gaston de Camarque
overman: Smoke
* 1986
hobbies: yep, i have
e-mail: milan.jaros[at]
ICQ: 151140351
I - AM - WebMaster...
Bc. Jana Mulačová
- Official bagholderOfficial bagholder
A person without whom it would never go on... except of the last years...
Bude-li každý z nás z křemene, je celý národ z kvádrů.
-- Jan Neruda