Skupina Honoris ukončila ke dni 4. 3. 2011 svou činnost.

Rider knight tournament HONORIS

Allow me to offer you a show of the HONORIS group, which performs knight tournaments on horseback from the era of king Jan of Luxembourg, the dawn of 14th century.

002.jpg - Riddertoernooi op paardenn In the tournament, which is meant to decide the right for a princesses hand in marriage, we will show you many knight skills, including fencing duels, horseback archery, practise knocking off of wooden blocks or skewering "heads" and finally exciting fights on horseback, knocking off the riders from their horses. Practising for a Saracen attack is also a part of the show, including spitting and juggling with fire.

n1.jpg - Riddertoernooi op paardenn Another part of the tournament is a complementary arrangement for the audience to try archery, horseback riding (adults and children) or taking photographs with the armoured knights and their horses. Within the arena there can be an optional buffet for the viewers. The arena can be open or partially covered to be seen only by paying audience.
The capacity of the auditorium is up to 400 seats. The show can be performed either on grass, soil or any other horse-foot suitable surface. Find more in the technical description.

Technical description

n2.jpg - Riddertoernooi op paardenn The tournament is a self-standing theatre act with a storyline. The whole play is directed so that not only adult audience, but also the children could comprehend and stay entertained. The tournament usually includes 6 riders and horses, one princess and her suite, six esquires in the arena and a herald, who is also the narrator for the whole story.
There are many props bound to the show, historically consistent armours and weaponry of the actors (when something ought to be leather or metal, it is no more and no less than that). We perform the duels in wadded undercoats, which used to be a natural part of the gothic knight's armour.

n3.jpg - Riddertoernooi op paardenn There are many swordsmen among us, therefore hand weaponry (one-, one and a half- handed or two handed swords, war axes and hammers) duels are as authentic as possible.
The technical base of the tournament consists of barriers to build the arena, an auditorium for cca. 400 viewers, a fortress tower sized 8 x 2,5 x 7 m (used also as an entrance gate with a draw-bridge), a large, historically looking tent for the horse stable (therefore the client does not need to provide any housing for the animals), curtains to define the show area, sound system and sufficient light system for night shows.

What we require from the customer (ground provider):

- a piece of suitable surface land sized 40 x 60 m

- an electrical power supply 380 V / 16 A

- a drinking water source for the horses

- an access to the toilettes for our staff.

Žádná práce není tak snadná, aby ti nemohla připadat obtížná, budeš-li ji dělat nerad.
-- Terentius
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Skupina Honoris ukončila ke dni 4. 3. 2011 svou činnost.